June 22, 2020
Dear Celtic Cross Family and Friends,
The Session of Celtic Cross has decided to resume on-site worship. The first step is to hold Sunday Morning Worship outdoors under a tent in the back parking lot. Weather permitting, outdoor services will occur Sunday, July 12th, 19th and 26th at 10am. Worship will continue to be available online during this time.
If you wish to attend to please take the following precautions:
If you are in a high-risk group for COVID-19 please consider not attending at this time.
Do not attend a service if:
You do not feel well.
You have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days.
You have the following symptoms: Fever (100.4 or higher), Sore Throat, Shortness of Breath, Cough or Diarrhea.
For the comfort and protection of others, wear a face covering (mask, bandanna, or face shield) that covers your nose and mouth. If you do not have a mask, the church will provide you with one.
Social distancing always needs to be maintained. No handshakes or hugs as you enter and leave services. Sit 6’ away from others that are not in your household.
You will need to check in with the Ushers, they need to take attendance. In the event that we need to assist with contact tracing, we need to have a record of everyone at the service.
Please bring your own camp or outdoor chair.
Worship services will also be modified to lower the risk for everyone in attendance. There will be no bulletins, no responsive readings, no unison prayers, and no passing of the peace. There will be music but no singing of hymns. The offering plate will not be passed but will be located on a table near where you check in with an usher. You can leave your offering there as you enter or leave. Hand sanitizer will be available for your use. Also please note, there will be no coffee hour.
The physical building will be closed as it needs to be cleaned and sanitized before we can allow the congregation full access. Bathrooms will be available for emergency purposes only. Please remember that the building is cleaned by volunteer members, and we are trying to limit their work and possible exposure.
If services are canceled due to weather, a “robocall” to the congregation will be made and an announcement will be put on Facebook. We will try to make this decision by late Saturday afternoon.
This is an important first step in returning to in-person worship. We appreciate your patience as we continue to work through this complex time. Please email or voice mail any questions you may have to the church office. We look forward to worshiping together again.
Thank you,
Celtic Cross Session