April 2, 2020
Dear Celtic Cross Family and Friends,
I am writing this to you with a heavy heart. Earlier this week, the session met virtually and voted to follow the directives of our Governor and the President. The Celtic Cross building is closed through, at least, the end of April. As I am sure you realize, it was not an easy decision to make and yet there was no other decision to make. Our Christian faith tells us that loving God and loving people are the two most important commandments. Right now, unless you are an essential worker, staying home is the best way to show love for others.
As you know, next week is, arguably, the most spiritually significant week of the year. Christians around the world will be marking Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Sunday; the end of the week will be reflecting on Good Friday and then sitting vigil waiting for Sunday. It will be different this year for all of us. I assure you that, with no palms, no lilies, no trumpets, no Easter breakfasts, even with no face-to-face church building services, Easter will still come. Christ will still rise in glory.
Because our time apart will now be longer than originally anticipated, materials are being created to help support you spiritually. For those with the internet, daily devotionals and Sunday services are available on Facebook and will hopefully be available on YouTube shortly. For those of you without the internet, I am mailing information to support your spiritual journey. The Holy Week Materials will come in a separate mailing. In order to continue to support you spiritually, additional materials will periodically be mailed to those without internet access.
Stay home, stay safe until we may see one another face-to-face again.
May the peace of Christ be with you,
Rev. Ruthanne Herrington