March 27, 2020
Dear Celtic Cross family and friends.
As you may know by now, all church services and activities have been cancelled and there are no church office hours for at least the next few weeks. The Session has taken this step to help keep our members and friends safe from the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus and to help slow the progression of the virus in the community.
As a consequence of the church closing on Sundays for services, we will not be receiving your pledges and contributions on a weekly or monthly basis through your regular envelope giving. In order for the church to keep functioning (to pay bills, meet payroll, maintain and clean the building, as well as stay connected with our church family), we still need your contributions.
For the next few weeks, the Finance Committee and the Session are asking for your assistance in keeping Celtic Cross healthy and operational. If you have the ability to pay by check, we would appreciate you mailing your offering directly to the church at the address below. The church mail is being held at the post office and will be collected regularly by someone from the finance committee. Any checks received will be deposited on a weekly basis.
We are also exploring the possibility of on-line giving; however, we aren’t quite there yet. If that situation changes, we will let you know.
Please address the envelope:
Celtic Church Presbyterian Church
Attention: Wayne Curtis, 11451 East Ten Mile Road, Warren, MI 48089
Thank you.
Finance Committee:
Chuck Potter, Janice Potter, Richard Cartwright, Mary Godbold, Craig Curtis, and Wayne Curtis